Friday 21 January 2011

24 Hour Bounce

The Statistics:
24 Hours
1 Bouncy Castle
8 Team members
6 hours of bouncing each

The Mission:
Bounce for 24 hours, whilst selling cakes and allowing people to throw foam balls at us.

The reason:
Ghana sponsorship

The personal mission:
Silence (12 hours)
Blackberry fast (24 hours)

Total Raised
Approx £1000 and still counting. 

What I learnt-
Silence isn't always golden
Prayer and caffeine will get you through any level of tiredness
How to break a door down
Pray's are answered, just sometimes at the very last minute
Signing "I need my phone on me, in case I get stabbed when I walk home", isn't easy!
Sponsorship and support comes from the most unexpected places
30 minutes is a longgggg time to bounce
12 hours is a longgggg time not to talk for
24 hours is a loonngggg time for a  Crackberry addict
I have the most incredible team (and honorary team members) 
Any episode of One Tree Hill will have more drama in it then anyone's actual life. Fact. 
It doesn't matter how tired, stressed, achey I am.. seeing my sister will make it better. 
Bouncing will hurt your arms 
To re-read any rotas... 1/2 an hour at 6am then 1/2 an hour at 7 am. Killer.
Barbados isn't in Spain. (Ok, I knew that.. but Kudos to the team member who didn't)
Never being able to sleep well is actually a blessing sometimes

Co-ordinating a Gaga inspired routine at 2 am
Worship songs at 4am
The double countdown at the end, with my gorgeous team
Zoe's joy at understanding any of my "sign language"

To Summarise-
A 24 hour bounce is killer! But, despite the exhaustion, last minute stress and aches. I had an incredibly blessed weekend with team Lewisham and am still totally in awe of the generosity and blessing I have received whilst trying to gain sponsorship not just for Ghana but for my enitre year out.

Gods provision totally blows me away, pretty much on a daily basis right now.
I want to say a HUGE thank you to Team Lewisham (Including Phillippa) for putting up with my bossyness for the last few weeks, and letting me have this as my "baby". You guys rocked- and an immense amount of gratitude to Phillippa, Davina and Andy for bouncing even though they aren't going to Ghana. Seriously so much love.

& I cant express my thanks enough to those who sponsored me, came down to support us, bought cakes, baked cakes, bounce with us and yes.. even those who threw stuff at us.

In total we raised around £1000 which has made an incredible dent in the amount we needed to raise for our trip to Ghana, and has taken away a lot of worry!

Thank you
and Blessings

We'll be leaving for Ghana on February 14th, so excited!


P.s. A special mention to Team Abrahart for my congratulations poster and my cake! Love always!

P.P.S. photo's will be on facebook as soon as I'm back in London 

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